About the Show

The 2025 Aviation Expo, hosted by The Museum of Flight, is a marketplace for aviation collectibles and a hub for aviation enthusiasts and collectors. Featuring items from private collectors and retailers, the expo allows you to browse and buy models, books, clothing, safety cards, brochures, flight manuals and much more from civil, military and commercial aviation. Attending the event is included with paid Museum admission (there is no extra charge), and takes place inside the museum.

DATE: Sunday, April 6

TIME: 10:00am to 5:00pm

ADMISSION: Event is FREE for Museum Members and included with paid Museum admission.

There will be exciting events on the Friday and Saturday before the show on Sunday.

Announcements are forthcoming. Seating will be extremely limited.


The Museum of Flight
9404 East Marginal Way S.
Seattle, WA 98108


Interested in Vending?

Tables are still available, and cost $65 per table (which includes a basic table covering and chair) which includes admission to the museum the day before and day of. We still have tables available. Tables marked in red are already reserved. Tables in white and blue are available, although the blue tables must be purchased as a set of two tables).


Have questions? Interested in vending? Need more information? Contact the organizer, Brian Wiklem:



The Aviation Expo isn’t just a show, but an aviation filled weekend with events starting on Friday and continuing through the weekend. The event filled weekend will conclude with the Aviation Expo at the Museum of Flight. 

We’ll have events planned and listed by March 1.
